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Tuesday, January 28, 2020

2020-01-21 - Service Authority Meeting Notes

by Neil Richard

The Service Authority began their first full meeting of the year at 5:31pm.

There were no amendments to the Agenda.

Kim Dodge was the only person to speak during Public Comment. She said she has spoken before about the paying the water and sewer bills and just wanted the Service Authority to know that customers that do have to pay both, it's high for them. Dodge said it was a hardship on families with a lot of children, stay at home moms, and those with only one source of income. She knew they were getting into budget season and that there are infrastructure problems that cost money but she wanted to speak up for all customers.

Jim Morris and Allen Parker had no report.

Annie Cupka thanked Dodge for speaking and sharing her concerns. In an effort to keep her report brief, Cupka skipped some of her prepared statements and saved them for her regular Supervisor's report. She did note that on the 16th she met with Jonathon Weakley, General Manager, and Dean Hoagland, Superintendent, to get a briefing on the Service Authority operations.

Cathy Binder said that on the 8th she took part in the kick-off meeting regarding the Purkins Corner Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) Preliminary Engineering Report (PER). She said it was a good meeting and the Board was going to do their best to put in the right facility to do right by the customers while still being affordable. Binder also thanked Dodge for speaking.

The Consent Agenda was approved.

The County Attorney pro tempore, Eric Gregory, had no report because he was absent.

It was noted that Mike Bennett was absent and would not be attending online as he was still on vacation. Bennett is expected to return by the next meeting.

Jonathon Weakley began his General Manager's report with a long list of general updates. In no particular order he noted that a well pump motor in Fairview Beach was still under warranty when it was replaced, a memo was issued about replacement options for the Nindes Well system, and he was working to get replacement blowers for Oakland Park WWTP. Weakley did note a few important items in his updates. Chief among them was that all of the WWTP's met their nutrient limits for 2019. Another key update was that Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) appears to be amenable to update the standing Consent Order to only list the remaining items the Service Authority was cited for violating. DEQ also appears to be willing to accept a phased approach, thus allowing the Service Authority to spread the cost over several years. Although not an approved development, Weakley also noted proposed developments in the Mathias Point area and Courthouse area bringing 1,400 units that would impact the ground water withdrawal permits of the Dahlgren and Courthouse District. He said these proposed developments and others mean that future planning by the Service Authority is vital.

Weakley also attended the Purkins Corner WWTP PER kick-off meeting and noted that during the tour of the facility there was discussion about access to the site during construction and afterwards. Currently, Service Authority vehicles need to access Purkins Corner by using Henry Griffin Road and driving through Cedell Brooks, Jr. Park, including a portion of the path around the park's perimeter. Weakley said the discussion revolved around extending Government Center Boulevard past the Sheriff's Office and Animal Control building to come in behind the existing Purkins Corner WWTP. Binder added it would be safer, especially with children in the park. She said the distance was maybe 1,000 feet and would make it easier, and shorter, for Service Authority trucks and construction equipment to access the site. Weakley said it was something to consider as they get into the design phase and noted that employees make two to three trips a day to the facility. He also noted that if there was a chemical storage building added to the site, which he hoped there would be, that would also mean semi trucks would need to be be able to access the site for deliveries.

Weakley concluded his report by asking Service Authority customers to contact his staff with any issues. He said that in the case of any issues with "water pressure, water color, or sewage backups," customers should call the Service Authority at 540-775-2746 during regular business hours (M-F 8am-4:30pm). In the case of an after hours emergency, customers can call the Sheriff's Department non-emergency line at 540-775-2049. Weakley said there is always somebody on-call 24 hours a day, seven days a week, regardless of holidays. He said he had nothing against plumbers but said he would like customers to call the Service Authority first for these issues because it may save the resident money. Weakley said the Service Authority staff would be able to tell the resident who was responsible for repairs, either the Service Authority or the resident. He also said that the cost of the Service Authority crew responding was part of the service the customer has already paid for in their monthly bill.

Weakley asked the Board to come to a consensus on a work session meeting date for the budget and they agreed to meet on February 13th at 6pm at a location to be determined. Binder reminded her peers and the audience that they would again ask for citizen members to participate in the work sessions. Weakley said he would give a State of the Service Authority at that meeting and Davenport would give everyone an update on the finances. He said the audit was just delivered and that would also be discussed at an upcoming meeting.

Closed Session began at 5:55pm and Dr. Neiman Young, County Administrator, Weakley, and Gregory were invited to attend. Gregory arrived about ten minutes later and joined them in Closed Session.

They return from Closed Session at 6:10pm and Binder asked if Gregory had anything to report. Gregory said he did not and apologized for his tardiness, saying he was still adjusting to the new 5:30pm start time.

The meeting adjourned at 6:11pm.

Meeting Attendees:
Cathy Binder (Chair, Board of Supervisors)
Annie Cupka (Vice Chair, Board of Supervisors)
Jim Morris (Citizen)
Allen Parker (Citizen)
Neiman Young (County Administrator)
Eric Gregory (County Attorney) - arrived late at 6:06pm

Mike Bennett (Citizen)

Meeting Agenda

Next Meeting:
The Service Authority will next meet on Feb 4, 2020, at 5:30 pm at the Revercomb Building.

Previous Meeting:
Read about the previous Service Authority Meeting.

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